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  • How do I place an order?
    Shopping with MeMart Australia is easy. 1. Log on to or the ME MART Mobile App. 2. To add items to your cart, click on 'Add to Cart' with your desired quantity. 3. To review your items, click on the 'View Cart' icon located at the upper right corner of the page. 4. If you have an applicable ‘ Enter a Promo Code’, enter it and click on ‘Apply’. Changes will take effect once you have successfully entered the code. When you're ready to place your order: 5. Click on ‘Secure Checkout’ and your order summary will appear for your review. 6. Fill in your preferred Shipping Details, Delivery Method and Payment Option then click on ‘Place Order’ to proceed with the payment. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you have successfully placed your order.
  • What are your delivery options and how much is shipping? offers the following shipping options :
  • How can I track my order?
    Enter your answer here
  • Do you process orders during Public Holidays?
    While we'd love for you to get your order as soon as possible, our warehouse and our courier partner are closed on Public Holidays. We seek your understanding in having your orders processed, or parcels shipped, on the next working day.
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